Zero Assumption Recovery Toolkit Verison 6.3 Copyright (C) Alexey V. Gubin, 1999-2002 *** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS *** Thanks to Alexey Ermoshkin for numerous ideas and for his great patience during beta tests. *** PACKAGE CONTENTS *** The package consists of the following tools: 1. ZARFAT - FAT16/FAT32 recovery tool, which allows extraction of data from a damaged hard disk to another medium. 2. ZARNTFS - NTFS recovery tool, which allows extraction of data from a damaged hard disk to another medium. 2. ZARPARTN - An auxiliary tool which scans a disk looking for partitions and writes all found items to a report file. Some useful parameters are also computed from these data. 3. ZARBBT - Boot sector-based disk eraser and copier tool. These are the extremely dangerous tools, to be used only in the extreme circumstances. These tools allow 3.a. Writing zeros to the drive 3.b. Copying the drive to the identical one to perform repairs over a duplicate. 3.c. Wiping the Master Boot Record when DOS does not allow you to boot, even from the floppy disk. *** UNREGISTERED VERSION LIMITATIONS *** ZARFAT and ZARNTFS: * Only (up to) four directories can be recovered in a demo version. * Demo version is unable to load scan result file. However it does save the files, to avoid rescanning the disk once you got a full version. ZARPARTN: No limitations (can be used freely, except for commercial purposes). ZARBBT: No limitations (can be used freely, except for commercial purposes). *** PAYMENT OPTIONS *** Current registration information, current registration fee, and licensing options are available at: We also accept secure online credit card payments at the above address. Please contact us should you encounter any problems : *** FILE LIST *** LICENSE.TXT ÄÄÄ License agreement \LNG directory ENGLISH.LNG Ä¿ Language and help file ENGLISH.HLP ÄÙ (English language) RUSSIAN.LNG Ä¿ Language and help file RUSSIAN.HLP ÄÙ (Russian language) \BIN directory ZARFAT.EXE Ä¿ ZARNTFS.EXE ³ ZARPARTN.EXE ³ Tool executable files ZARBBT.EXE ÄÙ COPIER.BBT Ä¿ ERASER.BBT ÃÄ ZARBBT boot-sector MBRKILL.BBT ÃÄ installable modules BBOTLDR.BBT ÄÙ RTM.EXE Ä¿ Borland Pascal protected mode DPMI16BI.OVL ÄÙ runtime library \MANUALS directory GLOSSARY ÄÄÄ Contains short explanations of terms ZARFAT Ä¿ ZARPARTN ÃÄ Tool manuals ZARPARTN ÃÄ (.TXT and .RUS) ZARBBT ÄÙ *** CONTACT INFORMATION *** I can be reached at the following email address: Please direct technical questions to ZAR webpage is located at